dreamer retires
The Explorer made a special guest appearance at my son Joe’s bar Mitzvah this weekend. Here he is with Brian F., Marita Dingus and her mom, Maxine.
The Observer continued her busy schedule, moving from Sweet Things to Olympia
Supply to Dumpster Values. On Tuesday, September 5, she will move to the Bread Peddler on Capitol Way. While Second-hand Sid was pushing her along Legion Way to Olympia Supply, we were stopped by a
guy who asked about the figure and if he could stab her with his knife. I was taken aback, but emphatically said no. I encourage people to touch and interact with the figures, but being deliberately destructive is just not appropriate. Sid thought that it would be okay; I, however, don’t want these figures to become targets of vandalism.
The Dreamer finished hanging out in the Farmers’ Market Garden. She survived, but her face looks punched in. Carrying her on my shoulders around the Farmers’ Market felt like a little performance; wheeling the Observer feels like a performance, too. Maybe I will have to expand on that idea in the future and create some sort of Procession of the Humans.