More Art Dolls at Arts Walk
Olympia High School Freshpersons Teasha Feldman and Lily Smith dressed their American Girl Dolls in haute trash fashion, where they strutted their stuff at Old School Pizza:
And McKinney Elementary School teacher Signe Feeney’s 3rd grade class once again made the most precious cloth dolls that were sold at Hoopla to raise money for charity (I own two of the dolls from previous years, maybe I will purchase a third, if there are any left, these dolls get snatched up fast!). I love the fact that dolls were on display in several different ways; wish we could have an Arts Walk that was entirely doll themed…I still remember some crazy Barbie doll art that was at Metro a few years ago. Dolls don’t have to be girly or girls-only or even nice; action figures are dolls, too, and I know from my teaching experience that boys enjoy making dolls as much as girls, they just do it a little differently. I hope the Arts Walk crowd got to appreciate these dolls as well as the ones at Newbury Bay Ltd and of course, the baby dolls at Archibald Sisters. Wonder if there were any doll displays that I might have missed?