Gone Tomorrow
project finished on Friday: the Explorer sat reading in front of Doria’s and had sodas and coffee with various passersby.
Meanwhile, the Dreamer dreamed at the
Painted Plate and the Observer observed in the window of Room 30 . Jenny Rose asked if the Observer could stay a little longer, and I would have loved to have left her there, but the project needed to end on September 15!
The Actor actually fell onto the awning below my studio and I had to lean way out of the window and hook her with the pole that is used to open the skylight; Jerry Neal helped me fish her back in, wish I had photos and/or a video of that process!
Devon Damonte sent me a pic of Olympia Film Fest director Amy Yockey and the Actor up on the marquee of the Capitol Theatre. He titled it “Festival Director Arrested in Sting Operation for Impersonating Plastic Public Art.”
I had been hoping that more folks would send me photos, oh well. I did get a photo of fearless Eric Fleming: artist, teacher, surfer and brave Marquee Master, taking the Actor down from the marquee on Tuesday night after our library talk/during Devon’s Marquee Movies, which was really cool.
People walking down 5th AV got quite the treat: while the street was closed to cars, they got to scratch and draw and color on film to create their own mini-movie, which was then projected on the wind-damaged east marquee, which was covered with a special screen, sewn by Lisa Strange for this project.
Colleen S. helped me take some pictures at the Free Wall
in the alley behind the Capitol Theatre and my studio. One of the painters on lunch break volunteered to help, he wanted to take her up on the scaffolding he was working on, but I declined since the project was over and it was time to take her and the rest of the crew home.