Re-Art in Salem
On Friday, 10/6, I drove 3 hours south on I-5 to Salem, OR ,
where I got to catch up with my old high school sweetheart Billy B and his lovely wife Jane M, who have just relocated to Corvallis from California. We walked around town a little bit, and then went to a Mexican restaurant, where we tried and enjoyed pomegranate margaritas for the first time, it was fun.
I was in Salem to do a family day workshop at the
Hallie Ford Museum on Saturday, in conjunction with the Recycled Art Show there. The event was well attended, and so I kept busy for 4 hours, helping everyone turn fabric scraps and telephone wire into snakes and other creatures by adding buttons and beads and other stuff.
I have one piece, “Three Musicians/Klezmorim,” included in the Recycled Art Show. Ross Palmer Beecher, Marita Dingus, Robert Yoder, Bill Fleming, Russ Morgan, and Rik Nelson (whose work with recycled art and the community I really admire) and other WA, OR and MT artists have work in this show. The Northwest is full of great artists working with recycled materials; I hope we get more Recycled Art Shows in even bigger venues sometime soon.
Hey Diane! I took some friends to the Re-Store in Ballard to check out the show and it was pretty great. We especially liked the Dial soap pulpit. We were also disappointed that nothing was for sale! I’m not sure we would have bought anything, but it’s nice to have options….
Hope you also got to see the art work at the New York Fashion Academy at 5201 Ballard AV and also at Art Books Press down the street.
The art work is for sale, but the RE-Store doesnt want to handle it, so you can contact the RE-Store and they will put you in touch with the artist directly.
That pulpit is wild, all from motel soap. Glad you saw the show!