Celebrate Earth Day Early in Ballard
Celebrate Earth Day and the Zero Waste Resolution!
When: Friday, April 18th, 7 to 10 PM
Where: New York Fashion Academy
5201 Ballard Ave.
Seattle, WA USA
Why: The event is dedicated to the recent passage of the Zero Waste Resolution Number: 30990. Zero Waste principles entail managing resources instead of waste; conserving natural resources through waste prevention and recycling; turning discarded resources into jobs and new products instead of trash; promoting products and materials that are durable and recyclable; and discouraging products and materials that can only become trash after their use.
What: This year marks the 6th Recycled Art and Fashion Show for the ReStore in Seattle, and Haute Trash is proud to have been there for every one. What began in 2002 as a 3-day group showing of select art made from found objects is now a month-long event that celebrates a diverse array of fantastic artists, including international environmental superstar Chris Jordan and that dumpster diving diva Diane Kurzyna aka Ruby Re-Usable. Last year’s festivities kicked off with a fashion show that played to a packed warehouse of extremely enthusiastic fans who literally spilled out into the streets. (Click HERE to see photos from last year’s show.) This year, both the art and fashion shows will be held at the spacious New York Fashion Academy. Robin Worley aka Rayona Visqueen will be on hand to emcee. Featured will be fashions from designers up and down the west coast. Hey, and don’t forget to drop in at the ReStore showroom at 1440 N.W. 52nd St. to pick up a Haute Trash collectable postcard!!
For a second there I got all excited that the show was in New York.
not really sure why it is called New York Fashion Academy when it is in Seattle (guess “Seattle Fashion Academy” doesn’t have the same panache); perhaps your globe trotting will someday bring you to the left coast, or maybe Haute Trash will do an East Coast tour, but I do promise to post pics and links to whatever new pics and vids come out of this show (fashion and other art!), until then, thanks for checking out ODD, we LOVE Every Day Trash, love, etc Ruby