Re-Use Those Pesky Bags
Our local newspaper recently ran an article with some creative suggestion about what to do with plastic bags; read Re-use those pesky bags (and then send some more suggestions in our comments)
What impressed us here at Olympia Dumpster Divers was that crochet them was top of the list! Just in case you are wondering how one goes about doing this, our friend Bonnie Tarses of Weaving Spirit sent this helpful link on how to make “plarn” (plastic bag yarn) for weaving; how to turn newspaper, plastic bags, VHS tape, dog hair, old sweaters, etc, into yarn HERE (thank you, Urban Woodswalker!)
We also received an e-mail from The Tangled Nest about her nun friend, Sister Monica here in Olympia (well, technically Lacey, but close enough), who crochets plastic bags into strong and lovely market bags
Of course, Ruby Re-Usable was a tad disappointed that the daily 0 did NOT mention making sculpture with the plastic bags, so we will simply add that to the list and share Ruby’s repurposed plastic bag art links HERE and HERE and HERE
Make Art Not Waste! love, etc Ruby
Those babies pictured above are going to be part of an Eco-art show this June; more info later!