Happy Earth Day 2016
At Olympia Dumpster Divers, we, of course, believe every day is Earth Day, but we do appreciate the officially designated holiday as a way to emphasize and celebrate the love for Mother Earth.
Here in Olympia, Washington, USA, there is the annual Spring Olympia Arts Walk, which this year happens to coincide with Earth Day and always has lots of sustainable/recycled/upcycled/green/Earth-Day themed art (plus a parade), including Carrie Ziegler‘s latest community-participation installation at WET Science Center; read more about it HERE

One Water – The Infinite Journey installation detail by Carrie Zielger
In Seattle, our friend Terra Holcomb will unveil “Terra Spiritus” at Method Gallery; she will also be giving an artist talk today (which is also her birthday — Happy Earthday Birthday, Terra!).
Terra Spiritus (detail) by Terra Holcomb
Terra Spiritus is a 12 foot tall moss dress that is inspired by tree hollows found in Washington’s old growth trees in the Olympic and North Cascade forests. Visitors are invited to rest inside the epic dress to reconnect with the sounds of nature, while discovering hidden surprises tucked in the mossy cave
And at the Portland airport baggage claim, we have Nancy Judd‘s PDX Weather Advisory:
So HAPPY EARTH DAY to everyone and Chag Pesach Sameach, too!
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