The Actor
The Actor started haunting the
Capitol Theatre on Tuesday, 9/5, and will hang around until 9/15, sitting up on the west marquee this weekend and otherwise keeping busy. Brave marquee master Eric Fleming will be placing her up and taking her down; there will also be Devon Damonte’s “Marquee Movies” happening on the east marquee, 9/9 – 9/12, and we will all be at the Olympia Public Library on Tuesday evening, 9/12, to talk about our “Here Today” temporary art installations.
Trudes Tango was the model for the Actor; I
wrapped her up at her home over the course of two evenings. I am getting faster at wrapping people, but it still takes me some time to stuff the figures and re-tape them, I think it must take me 10 – 12 hours per figure, not including the time it takes to beg for bubble wrap from the downtown businesses, I know it would be easier to just buy new bubblewrap, but that is not the point!
I don’t know what the OFS volunteers,
patrons, and passersby think of her yet, but we had fun finding places around the theatre for the Actor to sit. I also intend to place the Actor in some of the businesses that are in the Capitol Theatre Building (including Castoff Art Studio, which is where I usually work on my art projects).
The Observer has been having
coffee at the Bread Peddler since Tuesday, 9/5, and will be moving tomorrow to the Poppin Jay, where she will sit until 9/11; on 9/12 she will be at Room 30.
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